The key takeaways of the project
We find that an arts-based approach to researching wicked problems in accounting, business and management can elicit innovative thinking, drive forward mindset change towards professional evolution and, potentially, generate creative responses to grand challenges such as climate change and sustainability, or the opportunities and threats posed by new digital technologies.
The value of an arts-based approach in addressing complex business problems

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Dr Alessandro Merendino, Queen Mary University of London (UK)
Professor Maureen Meadows, Coventry University (UK)
Professor Nick McGuigan, Monash University (Australia)
Professor Nick Henry, Coventry University (UK)
Professor Scott deLahunta, Coventry University (UK)
Creative Accounting: Growing Mindsets for Business and Finance Professionals

The use of mycelium art at the Creative Accounting dinner prompted a powerful conversation around systems thinking. Whilst metaphors may be generated across an array of disciplines and within everyday working contexts, the power of artistic perspectives in generating and delving deeper into metaphor through diverse iteration was identified in Creative Accounting. So too was how such an arts-based interventions can encourage the profession to think in new and innovative ways – new mindsets triggered by metaphors - about their future value for businesses and organisations of all kinds.
The power of metaphors to support holistic thinking
By bringing a creative, arts-based approach into the world of accounting and finance, we can highlight new opportunities for the accounting and finance teams within their businesses to add greater value, and new roles for those individuals with the relevant skills in adding value to their own organisations in the future. Creativity can help identify how the future value of an organisation’s activities can be measured in a more holistic way to reflect the grand challenges that we face in today’s economy and society.
Creativity can highlight new opportunities and roles for the accounting and finance profession